Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Becoming your benefactor

Your benefactor can be seen as a "better version of you" -- someone who does something similar to what you do, but more effortlessly, and can go beyond your limitations. A big part of self-development consists of learning how to use the demonstrative function in conjunction with the suggestive function, or we may say in terms of Model A2, using the progressive demonstrative function (p8). Someone who does not do this can conversely seem myopic or naive.

Some examples come from the theory of integral types.

The computer programming community is essentially an ILI in its approach. Formal methods and principles are considered but generally take a back seat to pragmatism. The most extreme examples are in the Linux-based "hacker" community, which evolved into the open source community, and is notorious for its toxically critical culture and neglect of the subjective experience of using software (user experience aka UX, an Si domain -- more likely with Fe), as opposed to how it gets things done.

However, this approach has led to a crisis: software now, and in particular the most widespread software like operating systems and the internet, have become such a complicated mess that major companies are being hacked on a regular basis. The way out of this situation is to make systems that implement formal verification and strict systems of access control from the ground up. The internet largely grew organically and without a clear view of what the system would or should look like later on. It's debatable whether or not this situation can be resolved, but an LSI approach is what is called for.

Another crisis is in the mathematics community. The world produces a large amount of formalistic mathematics, consisting of jargon like "for every complete valued extension k′ of k, the higher coherent cohomology of X×k_k′ vanishes." (real example taken from Often mathematicians themselves are unable to assign intuitive meaning to these terms. While this may not be seen as a problem from inside the math community, it poses serious problems for anyone who seeks to apply math to reality, like physicists. We need to go back and find some kind of holistic, unifying meaning for math -- in short, use +Ni, the Ni of the IEI. (Debatably "meaning" here also includes Ne, in the sense of intuition as used by physicists.)

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